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Things You Should Consider Before Taking The Help of a Web Developer

People have some misconceptions about web development like it means to create a website and put the website in the world of website widely. But actually, web development or website development is a process of learning the business of the clients. There is some other fact the web development consists. If you want to work with web development, then you have to work with clients' business functions. If you create some robust website then it allows bringing you a huge number of worldwide customers. Web Development Company in Delhi always takes care of clients every requirement.



What are HTML and CSS:


Every developer must know about the three basic things those are the HTML, CSS and JavaScript. You can use HTML and CSS on the front side of the interfaces. All you have to do is just click the right button in the web browser then select the view page option. There you can find a different kind of HTML tags structure. You can use those tags for different purposes. Web Development Company in Delhi also uses CSS to decide the website style, design, layout and HTML elements.


How Programming language works:


You can not use the human language to speak with a computer. This is the main reason that you have to learn a programming language to talk with your computer. In the field of web development, you have to learn all the programming. Learning a programming language is compulsory. After learning all the programming language you can apply all the logic widely. The website developers use a different kind of programming language like PHP, python, java, ruby. Javascript also giving a tough competition by introducing itself to tackle the back part. Website Development Services in Delhi spend time to learn about the platforms.


Problem-solving is the goal:


Computer science-related jobs involve coding. But the real fact is that coding is just a tool helps to complete the goal. You cannot deny that. From the blogs, you can find some interesting facts along with some solutions. You can implement the solutions or the ways with the help of the code. The web developers should come up with some logistics facts to complete the task. Such as very important the manpower. Moreover, the logic and the design specs are the complete solutions to the problem. Also, Website Development Services in Delhi always chooses the right solution to support the ultimate business goal.


The fast-moving sector:


The most fast-moving sectors in the way of the web designing department and this is the only web development. The website developers carefully go through with some kind of design before using the code lines. Some skills are very important in the field of web development. There are always some new emerging processes and technologies that, can help the language and the database works. You always need to stand at the top, to get the help from these new things.


Global customers play an excellent role in your business. These fields are the never-ending field you can find to improve all the time.

4 Easy Web-Design Tips that Will Help You Boost Conversions

Considering the speed at which e-commerce competition is increasing, it has become rather tricky to woo online shoppers. Yes, adding social proofs and professional badges are essential for gaining your target audience's trust, but it is not enough. You might be overlooking a 'not-so-obvious' element that is the design of the website. Surely, content is king. But, one thing that many people forget is that while content is the king, the design is the castle.


Before paying attention to the content on your website, most visitors will pay attention to how your website looks and feels. Therefore, you must consider giving importance to the design of your website.


Here are four easy steps that will help you in getting your website design right:


1. Choose the right colors:


Picking the correct colors for your website is not an easy task. Instead, you need to clearly think and then consider a color that suits the emotions you are trying to convey through your brand. Selecting the right colors will help you with defining your brand identity. There are certain brand colors that affect the way people feel about something, in particular, brands.


For example, the color blue is known for developing feels of strength, trust, and dependability. Therefore, brands like Ford, Dell and American Express its use the color blue in their brand logo and website. The color yellow is known for evoking hunger, this is why brands like McDonalds' and Burger King, etc. have a yellow color in their logos.

Hence, before finalizing on the color you want to use for your website, you need to ask yourself an important question: "what does my brand convey to my audience?" . If your brand sells lifestyle products, then consider choosing the color green to evoke the feelings of peacefulness in your target audience.


2. Give importance to typography:


Just like brand colors, text font also evokes a certain emotion in people. Even though many businesses tend to ignore this important element, it can either make or break your brand. To convey a certain feel to your target audience, you should work on the font you want to use for the content on your website. The perfect brand font should be memorable and unique, legible, and should be able to communicate your brand personality.

Also, apart from brand text, make sure that your website content is readable. Your site visitors should not experience strain while reading it. Keep enough space between the text lines by using the magic line-height that is 150 percent of the font size.


3. Use White Space:


Also known as the negative space, white space is the space between all the elements on the website, such as between paragraphs, images, and content. Unlike traditional trends when the websites were stuffed with a lot of content and graphics with no white space, today's modern websites maintain a certain white space between their website elements. Negative or white space allows you to keep a focus on the important element on your website - like an interesting image or a call-to-action, etc.


4. Follow the F-Pattern:


F-Pattern refers to the pattern in which our eyes move while reading something online. Generally, people move their eyes from left to right to scan the content on the website. Typically, people start to read the content at the top of the screen, and then further move down the page, keeping the focus towards the right mainly.

Therefore, by implementing the F-Pattern, you will be able to post the most important content elements and calls-to-actions in the areas that will get seen the maximum.


Final Words:


The design of the website matters. Instead of just putting content and graphic elements in an unplanned manner, it is important to organize the entire website - from the design of the website to the content part - to keep uniformity so that it makes sense to the website visitors. The above listed four elements are basic tricks that you can apply to your website. If you are looking to take your website design to another level so that it stands out from the rest of the competition, it is suggested that you hire a professional web design company in India that has the required expertise and experience that is needed to provide custom web design services in Delhi NCR.

What Are The Frustrating Web Design Practices That Annoy SEO

In theory, the web development team and digital marketing team have to work in coordination to ensure the success of the website. However, in reality, there are often clashes between them over design decisions. What many answers are that digital marketers also care about the design of the website.


There are two teams with different focuses - a web designing team with a graphic design background who wants to create visually appealing designs and creating web pages, and search engine marketing team who wants to focus on optimizing the web pages for ranking better in the search engines. For an optimal website, the different focuses of these two teams should be in perfect sync. Together, their main target should be to come up with a pleasing design that does not end up annoying the user.

Marketers heavily depend on how web developers execute website design. They cannot handle a badly designed and a low performing website. Particular web design affects the Crawlability, usability, readability, accessibility, and find ability of the website, therefore making the job of SEO even more difficult.


Here are the most annoying web designing activities that mess with SEO -



Because of the creative ability of the web designers, they often cross the line while creating navigation. They would want to add too many elements into the design of the navigation instead of keeping it simple and clean, therefore making it harder for the visitors to explore the website.


Because Google's second important ranking factor is content, some still believe that "the more content, the better!" However, while this might help with the rankings in the short run, from the user's point of view, they will not take more than a few seconds to leave the site and move to the competitor's site. This, in turn, will increase the bounce rate and result in even lower search engine rankings.

White space and a minimal approach are the desired way of having a website. This way, your users will be able to easily scan and go through your website.
Check out this blunder and see for yourself how too many elements on the web page can put strain on your eyes, http://www.bellads.info


If executed properly, splash pages are not that bad. However, especially if it's a content-focused website, a splash page pop up usually hinders the user experience, which might result in users bouncing. Therefore, it is rather risky to use splash pages.
For example,


If you have ever sat in a quiet room and navigated to a website where the audio automatically played, then you must be aware of how embarrassing and annoying situation it could be.

Your website should be from the user's point of view. Most likely, a user will bounce back from your site in case it started autoplaying audio with no option to quickly mute it.

Social media giant, Facebook knows how poorly auto-playing content can affect the user experience. To ensure that all its users are satisfied, Facebook has set the sound turned off as the default setting of every Facebook video.


Advertising on your site is okay, but too much advertising on your site is not okay. Too much advertising is annoying, especially when they are pop-ups.


Many web designers tend to get too creative with the font size without considering the comfort of the users. Too small font size puts a strain on the eyes of the user. More and more users use their mobile phones to access the internet. Therefore, unlike earlier when 12 px used to be the standard size for the websites, these days, size 16 font size seems to provide a better reading experience.


There are so many color choices available to web designers these days. It is understandable that the designer might want to play and experiment a little with these many options, but they should also know where to put the limit.

Today, many websites have adopted a minimalist approach to developing a website. Modern websites are cleaner and have sufficient white space. Displaying too many colors on a website can be too loud for the users and they might end up bouncing back to other relevant websites.


It takes patience and collaboration between the teams of web development and searches engine marketers to make a website successful. Web design has a huge impact on how the website performs in the search engine. An effective digital marketing company is the one that provides the best SEO services with a focus on good web design and user experience. What a website designing company in Delhi should focus on is to create such a website that makes people trust your website for their queries.

Uncertain About Mobile Marketing? You Need To Reconsider Today

Because of the high penetration in the mobile market, most of the users use a smartphone device for accessing the internet today, this means that most of your customers are coming to you from their smartphone devices at an increasing rate. This is true for every business, be it a B2C business or a B2B one. Today, the first point of contact that you have with your prospect customers is through a click on the link (to your website/social media page) on their smartphone.


Mobile marketing is changing the business game by giving you access to more customers and exposure. The umbrella term "mobile marketing" includes any marketing activity that is done through a mobile, for eg, online shopping, SMS notification, or a product advertisement. According to a report, the average smartphone conversion rates are 64% more than average desktop conversion rates for e-commerce businesses.



Here are the top 5 reasons why you should put more focus on mobile marketing today:


1. Time spent on mobile devices:


Thanks to its mobility advantage and cheaper internet connections, Indians alone are spending 90% of their online time on mobile phones. This means that an average Indian user is spending 28 hours a week navigating websites or talking on their mobile devices giving a lot of opportunity to the marketers for successfully capturing their attention.


2. Impact on mobile commerce:


Consumers are increasingly using their mobile phones for making purchases online from e-commerce giants like amazon.com, flipkart.com, jabong.com, etc. Businesses as giant as urbanladder and small businesses like mom and pop shops realizing this importance are developing user-friendly mobile portals for facilitating sales.


3. Price comparison:


With the help of mobile technology, the consumers are able to shop and compare products online with the products they see while walking in the store. If you have a good mobile presence, then the consumer will be able to compare your product's benefits with the product that he sees in the store.


4. SMS open rates:


According to a report, SMS (Short Message Service) has an open rate of 98% and up to 85% of people who open the SMS will read it within 5 seconds. This is much much higher than in email marketing.


5. Higher exposure:


Higher mobile penetration is making mobile phones a popular tool for communication across the world. Today, with the help of the Internet, the entire world is interlinked with one another. Because of these developments, mobile marketing allows businesses to reach a wider audience.


While the above stated are good reasons to incorporate mobile marketing in your overall marketing strategy, there are few points to consider to ensure successful implementation-


i. Adding a responsive design to your app is not the solution:


What people generally confuse is that adding a responsive design and an app is the solution to the mobile marketing strategy. However, it is the wrong approach.


In order to be really mobile-friendly, you need to have a clear focus on mobile from the very beginning instead of optimizing an existing website to fit a mobile screen. You should think hard about how you should present your product and brand on the mobile screens that would lead to a better conversion rate. Only after you do this, will the design part come easy to you.


Observing the internet trends, mobile marketing should be first on your checklist and desktop marketing should be the next step.


ii. The challenge of presenting information clutter-free:


The challenge of mobile marketing is that space is limited and you need to fit maximum information in that fixed space in a presentable manner. If you simply take a standard desktop website and make it responsive to fit on the website, there are chances of an unpleasing presentation of your website on mobile.


Therefore, in order to create a satisfying user experience, instead of figuring out what to delete from your desktop website, discard it completely, and create a mobile app from scratch by rethinking the entire user experience.


Here are 5 tips to make your mobile website awesome:


  • Brand: Yes, the mobile user experience is very compressed and limited - this is the reason why you should think of innovative ways of communicating your brand on mobile. Your company logo, colors, fonts, etc should be such that they breathe your brand into the mobile experience for your customers to remember you.


Scroll: Keeping the importance of user experience in mind, make your mobile app scroll-friendly. Organize the information in such a way that the most important information is on top. Make your mobile app easily navigable.


Fonts, images, menu: Make sure to make the texts larger for people to read it easily. Try to add more visually-rich images and less text. Keep the text concise, informative and to the point. Make sure you link your images to wherever you want your visitors to redirect.


Call to action: Your mobile app should be designed by a professional web design company in such a way that you are able to direct your visitors to the call-to-action you want them to take. Email signup? Call now? - make sure to make it clear to your visitors. Make use of big buttons and prompts for making the users go to the next step in the conversion funnel.


Test, measure, and optimize: Whether it is a mobile app or a mobile website, make sure to test how they look on different screen sizes of different devices and operating systems. Make sure to consider customer's feedback on your website/or app while making changes to it.




Be it any business from across the industry spectrum, slowly and gradually, every business is recognizing the need for mobile marketing and the plethora of opportunities mobile marketing brings with it. In order to compete in this market where the customers are increasingly demanding even more convenience, having your business presence on mobile is really important. Since. mobile app and web designing is a lengthy task, it is highly recommended to choose a web development company with the best web designing services.

Source: http://www.indiainternets.com/digital-marketing/mobile-app-marketing.php